How to Achieve Work-Life Balance: An Expert Review

Work-life balance requires continually strengthening personal resilience, leveraging community, and advocating for cultural change.

Carson O.
14 Min Read
Work-Life BalanceCOURTESY — Unsplash

Life in Kenya today is characterized by the pressure to work and earn in an increasingly expensive economy. Long working hours, urbanization, stressful commutes, and demanding family responsibilities all collude to make work-life balance elusive for many Kenyans.

But maintaining equilibrium between your professional and personal realms is essential for well-being and avoiding burnout. This article offers practical strategies tailored to the Kenyan context for harmonizing your work and life.

The Work-Life Imbalance in Kenya

Surveys indicate that work stress is on the rise among Kenyan professionals. A 2019 Survey showed 36 percent of work-related illnesses is due to stress and burnout with 13 percent of employees being overworked. Common causes include:

  • Long working hours – The 40-hour work week is rare, with many clocking 50-80 hours between main job and side hustles.
  • Commuting fatigue – Nairobi residents spend 22 working days per year commuting due to congestion.
  • High cost of living – From housing to food, Kenya’s rising COL pushes people to overwork.
  • Family responsibilities – Extended family obligations like paying school fees for nieces can add financial burdens.
  • Work culture – Kenyan workplaces often have a high-pressure, presenteeist culture.

This nonstop grind inevitably takes a toll. Common consequences include:

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  • Burnout
  • Poor health from lack of sleep and exercise
  • Strained family relationships
  • Difficulty disconnecting from work during off-hours

But with some deliberate balancing strategies, you can avoid the negative impacts of all-work-no-life.

Reevaluate Your Priorities

The first step is an honest assessment of how you currently spend your time and energy. Track your schedule for a week, making note of:

  • Hours worked
  • Time with family
  • Self-care activities like exercise
  • Hobbies and leisure

Analyze any imbalance between aspects like work, family, health, etc. Then, think deeply about your core values and priorities. What’s truly essential for you to feel fulfilled?

This reflection may reveal that adjustments are needed. For instance, you may realize you want to:

  • Spend more quality time with spouse and children
  • Exercise 4 times per week
  • Learn a new skill like playing guitar

Make a list of 5-10 priorities to guide your choices. Refer back to this when facing decisions about how to allocate your time and energy.

Be willing to let go of non-essential responsibilities and obligations. Does that volunteer role add value or just stress? Do you really need the side hustle income or does it rob family time?

Getting clear on the vital few priorities provides focus amidst busy-ness.

Set Boundaries Around Work

A major work-life imbalance for many Kenyans is lack of boundaries with employers. When work bleeds into all hours of the day and week, burnout is inevitable.

To prevent this, set clear guidelines around when and how you engage with work duties:

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Define work hours – Be clear about start and finish times with colleagues. Unless it’s an occasional emergency, do not routinely work outside these hours.

Use out-of-office alerts – When away on leave, set an away message on email and Teams/Slack saying when you’ll return. Decline work calls/chats during this time.

Don’t work in bed – Banish the tendency to work on laptops and phones in bed. Keep devices out of the bedroom for better sleep.

Take real lunch breaks – Don’t eat at your desk if possible. Leave the office or at least go outdoors to recharge.

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Set email batching times – Rather than being perpetually available, check email 2-3 set times per day. Turn off notifications.

Negotiate flexible arrangements – Discuss options like remote work, compressed hours, or job sharing. Even occasional work from home can boost work-life balance.

Leave work at work – Make it a rule not to deal with office matters in the evenings and weekends.

Having clear guidelines around work availability helps everyone respect your personal time. Don’t feel guilty about prioritizing non-work commitments.

Leverage Delegation, Systems and Tools

A major balancing act for busy professionals is managing overlapping work and personal logistics. Delegating tasks and leveraging systems helps avoid dropping balls.

Outsource chores – Consider hiring helpers for household duties like cooking and cleaning so you spend less time on chores. Or take turns with your spouse.

Automate finances – Set up automatic payments for routine bills so they don’t pile up. Use budgeting apps to manage cashflow efficiently.

Schedule family time – Use shared calendars to block out dedicated family time well in advance before work fills it up. Treat this time as sacrosanct.

Meal prep – Cook healthy meals in batches during less busy weekends so you have grab-and-go options during the work week.

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Use productivity methods – Follow frameworks like GTD to structure tasks and ensure important items don’t slip through the cracks across work and family.

Make lists – Keep master to-do lists and check them regularly to avoid forgetting personal and professional tasks. Use apps like Trello or Evernote.

Outsource chores – Hire helpers to take away domestic burdens related to cooking, cleaning, child care, and home maintenance. Or split duties with family.

The right systems create space for what’s essential rather than constantly putting out fires.

Make Time for Self-Care

Balancing work and personal life is impossible without adequate self-care. You need to prioritize health-promoting activities to operate at your best.

Exercise – Make physical activity non-negotiable by working out first thing in the morning or scheduling gym/yoga on your calendar. Even 15-30 minutes daily makes a difference.

Eat well – Meal prep healthy food over the weekends to avoid grabbing junk food due to lack of time during workdays.

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Sleep sufficiently – Turn off devices before bed and aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep hampers productivity and health.

Try meditation – Just 5-10 minutes per day of meditation or deep breathing reduces stress.

Take vacations – Use all your annual leave days. Disconnecting fully for 1-2 weeks annually refreshes your energy.

Pursue hobbies – Ensure you make time each week for recreational activities you enjoy, whether reading, hiking, gardening, etc.

Get organized – Decluttering and organizing your living and workspace clears mental clutter to focus.

Don’t let self-care become yet another item on your endless to-do list. Book it into your schedule and make it happen. Protecting your health provides the energy required to balance everything else.

Communicate Needs Openly

For work-life balance, being upfront about your priorities and limitations is key. Whether at the office or home, politely decline requests that compromise your boundaries.

If your employer repeatedly expects excessive overtime, have a frank chat about aligning on reasonable expectations and workload. Discuss reduced or flexible hours if needed.

At home, be honest if extended family obligations become burdensome. Explain the need for others to also chip in. Open communication avoids resentment on all sides.

Outsource and Automate

As highlighted above, don’t take on every task yourself. The same hours in the day must accommodate growing work and family responsibilities. Outsourcing chores provides relief.

  • Hire domestic helpers to take over cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping and even childcare. Or split duties with working spouse.
  • Order grocery delivery rather than spending weekends shopping
  • Pay bills online automatically rather than manually each month
  • Book taxify for reliable transport rather than wasting hours in traffic

Leverage money-saving apps like Digitech and Wasoko to reduce errands. Automating routine tasks creates more family and me time.

See how to effectively communicate at your workplace here.

Reframe Cultural Mindsets

Logical strategies alone cannot fix ingrained cultural attitudes equating self-worth with being perpetually busy and productive. We must challenge narratives that glorify grinding and overwork.

Be wary of how social media reinforces unhealthy pressures, with people curating unrealistic portraits of picture-perfect work and family lives. Be honest on social media about also needing breaks and struggling with burnout sometimes.

Similarly, watch for how workplace cultures and managers may explicitly or implicitly endorse presenteeism and frowning upon personal boundaries. Push back politely and firm up boundaries, reassuring that your loyalty and performance remains uncompromised.

If friends or family imply balancing work and personal life is somehow lacking ambition and drive, explain your rationale around holistic health. Don’t internalize others’ judgments.

Conversations challenging assumptions and unhealthy attitudes are essential for culture change alongside practical tactics.

Leverage Community Support

Given so many obligations tug from all directions, having strong social support makes work-life equilibrium much easier. Spouses, families, friends, mentors, colleagues, and even house helps who have your back are invaluable.

Communicate openly when you feel overwhelmed. Ask loved ones to accommodate, chip in with tasks, or allow space when required. Most people are willing to help if they understand your challenges.

Build a tribe of peers, mentors, coaches, or online communities facing similar struggles to share advice and affirmation. Changing ingrained habits requires ongoing motivation.

If your workplace culture encourages overwork, band together with like-minded colleagues to promote change through feedback to leadership or unionization efforts.

Evaluate Defaulting to Yes

The bane of work-life imbalance is the tendency to default to yes – to every request from workplace, family, and community. We assume obliging is noble self-sacrifice, rather than acknowledging that constant people-pleasing has costs.

Practice pausing rather than instinctively agreeing when asked to take on additional duties. Consider whether you genuinely have bandwidth. Will saying no really let others down or only challenge assumptions of your perpetual availability?

Reviewing past examples where you defaulted to yes due to guilt/pressure but ultimately faced burnout allows learning. Overcommitting does no one any favors in the long-term. Gradual change starts with noticing default behaviors.

Segment Work Modes

Rather than constantly multi-tasking work and personal activities in a frenzied manner, be deliberate about shifting between focused modes:

  • When at the office, minimize distractions to fully engage. Then detach completely in off-work hours.
  • Group similar tasks to complete in coherent blocks rather than context switching constantly.
  • Create separations between work and family time rather than blending both together.
  • While on vacation, make a conscious effort to not think about work at all.

The mental energy required to toggle frequently between different roles depletes focus. Segmenting creates space to be present.

Consider Going Part-Time

If full-time pressures become completely overwhelming, know that part-time or non-conventional work options are a valid choice.

Having adequate time for your priorities, even if that reduces income somewhat, may be more prudent than remaining on an unsustainable work treadmill. Part-time, flexi-hours, job sharing, freelancing or portfolio careers are all alternatives if a full-time job erodes all personal time.

Multi-talented Kenyans increasingly break from traditional linear career paths to blend various professional projects with passions. Valuing time affluence can sometimes override maximizing income.

Reassess Commitments Annually

Make reevaluating work, family and personal commitments an annual or biannual ritual. Life stages and priorities evolve.

  • Are you upholding the boundaries you had set?
  • Does workload align with current energy levels?
  • Do goals need revisiting given new responsibilities?

Be willing to switch jobs, go part-time, take a sabbatical, or outsource more. Prevent imbalance through regular resets and course correction.


Work-life balance requires continually strengthening personal resilience, leveraging community, and advocating for cultural change. With consistent priority-setting, boundary enforcement, and periodic reassessment, professional and personal equilibrium is achievable in Kenya.

Cherish supporting employer policies, but take ownership for harmonizing domains. With intention and willingness to let go of unnecessary burdens, a thriving work-life rhythm is possible even in a demanding context.

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I am a multi-faceted professional with a strong foundation in Business and Finance, honed since 2020. Additionally, I possess a deep passion for automobiles, serving as an avid car enthusiast. In parallel to my diverse interests, I am also a dedicated student pursuing a career in the medical field.
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